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Who is IndieGameDev101?

For years I have been working in the games industry, specifically the mobile games industry and I have managed to accomplish things to which I am proud of. I have worked on major AAA titles and released solo game projects. In all of this there were many hurdles, many failures and plenty of unfinished games.

IndieGameDev101 is my attempt to share useful information I have built over time as well as information I am currently learning.

Game Development is one of those specific fields that require you to truly compete, there is little hand holding that can be done so as a result many wash out early on. Those that complete their games are often me with a lukewarm reception by their intended customers.

The main title I am working on in my personal life is the 2D Action Shooter P For Pistol  - ("P For Pistol Begins").

As far back as I can remember, I have been overly ambitious but without aim. It took many years and many mistakes without a mentor to find a process that suited my personality.

In the current year the word "Indie" has taken on a completely new meaning from what it once meant in the early 2000s. We now have game studios of 200 employees branding themselves as "Indie" in a bid to generate excitement.

"Indie Game Developer" used to mean a person or small group of people working independently to create a game.

I will try my best to share useful information on the site as well as keep it updated with material from P For Pistol and other games I work on.